Planning Academy Member

SCUP’s Planning Academies serve as communities of practice—cohorts of members grouped by expertise who exchange knowledge with each other and contribute expertise to SCUP.

Joining the Planning Academies provides you with multiple opportunities to contribute to SCUP according to your available time, expertise, and inclination. Volunteer opportunities center around activities that 1) promote peer-to-peer learning and/or 2) require expert opinion or contribution in a specific subject. SCUP staff will email Planning Academy members with details about volunteer opportunities as they arise.

This position agrees to participate in at least one volunteer opportunity a year. As of May 1, 2020, the specific opportunities for Planning Academy members include:

• Reviewing proposals for conferences
• Leading discussions in listservs
• Providing expertise for SCUP publications, workshops, events, and other learning products
• Connecting SCUP to experts in your peer network
• Serving on the Academy Council and the SCUP Council
• Assisting the SCUP in engaging and responding to member interests and needs

This list is not exhaustive and could change year-to-year based on SCUP’s needs.

While the only requirement to join the Planning Academies is to be a SCUP member in good standing, specific volunteer opportunities will have their own requirements. For example, reviewing conference proposals is only open to those who have attended that conference in the past.

SCUP Membership Required? Yes

Minimum Qualifications: SCUP member in good standing.

Terms of Service: No Limit

Time Commitment: 1-10 hours a year, depending on volunteer opportunity

Training: Limited Training by Staff

Travel Requirements: None

Be sure to visit the Planning Academies and Academy Council page to learn more.