Planning for Higher Education Journal

Planning for the Digital Classroom and Distributed Learning: Policies and Planning for Online Instructional Resources

From Volume 33 Number 4 | June–August 2005
By Patricia McGee, Veronica Diaz

Institutions referenced in this resource:
Curtin University of Technology

In an era of state budget cuts and a tight economy, distributed learning is often seen as a way to address the needs of colleges and universities looking for additional revenue sources. Likewise, budding virtual universities, consortia, and corporate partnerships are now providing new ways for institutions to share resources across campuses. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the relevance of learning objects contained within digital repositories as they relate to institutional policy with regard to new distributed learning environments. This article describes how institutions of higher education have come to embrace the learning object model and what should be considered as they plan for further development in this area.

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