Membership Options and Pricing

Membership Benefits


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View the pricing table

Do you need help finding the right membership for you? We’re happy to help! Answer the two questions below:

Question 1: How many memberships do you need?

A) Just one, for myself.


You will need an Individual Membership.

B) A few, for my team.


You will need a Group Membership.

Click to show features of individual vs. group memberships.
Individual Group*
Who is it for? A single person. Multiple people employed at the same organization.
How does it work? You get access to member-only content and discounts.

If you change employers, your membership goes with you.

Based on the size of your institution/firm, you will receive a set number of memberships. Each named member will receive access to member-only content and discounts. Additional memberships may be added for a fee.

If named members change employers, the memberships stay with the institution/firm.

NOTE: NEW POLICY REGARDING ROSTER SWAPS—Starting August 1, 2023, roster changes need to be made within 30 days of the membership start date. No swaps will be permitted for the remainder of your membership year.

Why choose this option? This is a great way to get to know SCUP and then invite your team. If you already have a team of planning leaders, this is a great way to include everyone at a discounted rate.

NOTE: For institutions that have a group membership, everyone at the institution receives the member pricing for events.

*Think your organization might already have a group membership? Contact us and we can help!

Question 2: Where do you work?

A) I work for a college or university, government agency, accrediting agency, foundation, nonprofit, or not-for-profit organization.


An Institutional Membership is the type for you.

Click to show dues rates.

Membership dues are nonrefundable. Scroll to the right to see the full table.

Employer # of Memberships Needed Employer Size Membership Type # of Memberships Included Dues (USD) Cost to add an additional member (USD)
College or University 1 Any size Individual-Institutional 1 $420 n/a
3+ 1–2,999 enrollment Institutional Group A 3 $1,000 $335
3,000-5,999 enrollment Institutional Group B 4 $1,350 $335
6,000-11,999 enrollment Institutional Group C 5 $1,675 $335
12,000-17,999 enrollment Institutional Group D 6 $2,000 $335
18,000+ enrollment Institutional Group E 7 $2,345 $335
Community College 1 Any size Individual-Institutional 1 $420 n/a
3+ Any size Institutional Group F 3 $1,000 $335
System Office 1 Any size Individual-Institutional 1 $420 n/a
3+ Any size Institutional Group F 3 $1,000 $335
Government Agency, Accrediting Agency, Foundation, Non-Profit, or Not-for-Profit 1 Any size Individual-Institutional 1 $420 n/a
3+ Any size Institutional Group G 3 $1,000 $335
Employer # of Memberships Needed Employer Size Membership Type # of Memberships Included Dues (USD) Cost to add an additional member (USD)

B) I work for a corporation or consultancy.


A Corporate Membership is the type for you.

Click to show dues rates.

Membership dues are nonrefundable. Scroll to the right to see the full table.

Employer # of Memberships Needed Membership Type # of Memberships Included Dues (USD) Cost to add an additional member (USD)
For-Profit Business or Consultancy 1 Individual-Corporate 1 $440 n/a
3+ Corporate Group-Small 3 $1065 $355
Corporate Group-Large 6 $2130 $355

C) I’m a student, a recent graduate, or a retiree.


Just starting out on your planning journey? Or maybe you’re finishing up but want to stay involved. We offer special membership rates for students, recent graduates, and retirees.

Click to show dues rates.

Membership dues are nonrefundable. Scroll to the right to see the full table.

Employer # of Memberships Included Dues (USD) Cost to add an additional member (USD)
Student * 1 $50 n/a
Recent Graduate 1 $175 n/a
Retiree 1 $150 n/a

* Enrolled at a postsecondary institution at time of application. Limited to four years.
† Graduated from a postsecondary institution within 12 months before application. Limited to one year.
‡ Age 65 or older and no longer employed full time.

View all dues pricing in one table.

Next: Fill out the membership form

You’re ready to officially become a SCUP member! Click the button below to begin filling out the membership form and complete payment.

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