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SCUP Coffee Chat: Maker Movement: Innovation and Entrepreneurship

May 13, 2020
Webinar | 1:30 PM Eastern

A recording of this chat is available to SCUP members only.

Watch the recording

Amid the pandemic, what happens to the Maker Movement? As a part of “helping” countless institutions/students/researchers, we have offered help to making face-shields with 3-D printers; creating different pump systems out of existing machines to make less expensive, but as effective; ventilators; and other innovations.

  • In a world where we have to be “apart”, how do creative minds come together?
  • What will be the demand for these spaces in our new normal?
  • Will there be greater demand for integrating makerspaces into more college majors or research programs?

Join us as we discuss these issues during our SCUP Coffee Chat.

SCUP Member Hosts: 

  • Ludmilla Pavlova-Gillham, Senior Campus Planner, University of Massachusetts
  • Heather Taylor, Campus Planner and Architect, Phillips Exeter Academy

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This chat will be recorded and shared with the SCUP membership.

Interested in hosting a chat?
Reach out to Josh Humbel at to learn more.