Planning for Higher Education Journal

Computer Simulation

Panacea or Headache?
Journal Cover
From Volume 1 Number 2 | October 1972
By Jerome F. Wartgrow

The use of the computer, allied with simulation models, as a means of pretesting the effect of managerical decisions has become an accepted technique in business, industry, governent, and the military. More recently, the technique has come to be employed in higher education as a potential solution to the whole range of problems--from the allocation of pencils, to the availability of instructional space, to the management of money--faced by colleges and university administrators. But is computer simulation a valid tool on the campuses? Has it been effectively applied in higher education? Or, as some educators maintain, is adademe "unique" and therefore unresponsive to new sophisticated scientific techniques of management? In search of some answers, Jerome F. Wartgow, coordinator of research and evaluation at the new Governors State University in Illinois, recently conducted a study of the use and effectiveness of computer simulation at seven institutions of higher education. His findings and recommendations are summarized in this article.

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