Educational Master Plan

Example Plans

2023–29 Educational Master Plan Development Timeline

This timeline highlights opportunities for community input to the educational master plan’s development.
Example Plans

Annual Planning Guide for Academic Affairs Offices/Programs

This document provides an overview of the annual academic planning process at the college, with guidance on how to contribute.
Blog Post

Integrated Planning at Nicolet College

During “Horizons 2025: Integrated Planning at Nicolet College,” presented at SCUP North Central 2023 Regional Conference, presenters Christin Van Kauwenberg, director of business intelligence, and Erika Warning-Meyer, chief of staff, described how the community college implemented integrated planning. Two conference attendees share the insights and ideas that resonated with them.
Conference Presentations

Integrating Facility and Academic Master Plans Through Collaboration

In this session, we will share how the Mid-Plains Community College engaged in a collaborative process across the campus and community to integrate the facility and academic master plans.
Conference Presentations

Integrating the Educational and Facilities Master Plans

Using an integrated planning model, Pima Community College District demonstrates how to integrate educational and facilities master plans through the lens of a shared mission.