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Planning for Higher Education Journal

June 20, 2024

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Why Strategic Plans Aren’t Working in Uncertain Times

Because Strategic Planning Should Be a Dynamic, Robust Process

The author’s approach to his research-based Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times Fieldbook began with a sampling review of 50 strategic plans. What emerged was the development of an organizational learning cycle used as a template to assess the effectiveness of strategic plans on more than 250 college and university websites.

From Volume 52 Number 3 | April–June 2024

Abstract: A strategic plan is supposed to “bring the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” Almost every college or university has such a plan because accreditors and governing boards require one. The question is: Why do so many higher education institutions seem to be unprepared when they take drastic actions (e.g., eliminating programs, cutting faculty and staff members, etc.) in uncertain times? The author studied more than 250 colleges and universities and suggests the answer in this article.

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Webinar Recordings

April 3, 2024

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The Strategic Planning Checklist

17 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in Higher Education

Learn from a research-based analysis of over 250 colleges and universities.
Abstract: Learn from a research-based analysis of over 250 colleges and universities. What is the difference between the Strategic Plan and Strategic Planning? How do we ensure planning is not a one-time event, but an ongoing organizational learning cycle that endures the changing environment? The analytic framework featured in this webinar is a Strategic Planning/Organizational Planning Cycle that derives a series of “what not to do” dictums (guidelines?) that support higher education institutions. Don’t make these critical mistakes derail you during these uncertain times

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Blog Post

April 1, 2024

Navigating Student Success

‘Navigators’ Are Critical in Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Institution-Wide Initiative

To gain additional insight into how integrated planning to support student success can be a game changer, we turned to Paula Stossel, strategic advisor to the president for student success, and Amber Racchini, vice provost for student academic success, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They graciously accepted our invitation to address questions about their cross-functional effort to ensure a student-centered approach to delivery of support services at IUP.

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Conference Presentations

March 19, 2024

An Intersectional Approach to Campus Planning at Cal Poly Humboldt

In 2020, California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly), Humboldt’s transformation to the system’s third polytechnic required a new intersectional approach to campus physical planning that addresses a spectrum of needs for ambitious growth, future ready resilience, and student persistence. Rapid disruptions affected academic access, achievement, and workforce readiness of Generation Z. The polytechnic implementation inspired a planning process that prioritizes people first to address social, environmental, health, and economic challenges. This session will share lessons learned from the Cal Poly Humboldt physical planning process and provide tactical tools for effective stakeholder engagement, data collection, and establishing metrics of gauging success.
Abstract: In 2020, California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly), Humboldt’s transformation to the system’s third polytechnic required a new intersectional approach to campus physical planning that addresses a spectrum of needs for ambitious growth, future ready resilience, and student persistence. Rapid disruptions affected academic access, achievement, and workforce readiness of Generation Z. The polytechnic implementation inspired a planning process that prioritizes people first to address social, environmental, health, and economic challenges. This session will share lessons learned from the Cal Poly Humboldt physical planning process and provide tactical tools for effective stakeholder engagement, data collection, and establishing metrics of gauging success.

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Conference Presentations

March 18, 2024

LCC’s Health Professions Building: Centering Vitality Through Community Benefit

Lane Community College’s (LCC) unique commitment to uphold principles articulated in their Community Benefits Agreement allowed for an innovative planning and design process that centered on the core needs of its most marginalized community members.
Abstract: Lane Community College’s (LCC) unique commitment to uphold principles articulated in their Community Benefits Agreement allowed for an innovative planning and design process that centered on the core needs of its most marginalized community members. We’ll detail how LCC’s active dedication to providing community benefit via bond dollars transformed its Health Professions Building into a vital campus centerpiece, enhancing safety, accessibility, and workforce and career training. This session will raise awareness around creating a community-centered process to discover design solutions that not only solve campus programmatic and functional issues but achieve design excellence.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

Mapping Career Pathways from the Community College Campus to Regional Industry

Community colleges provide equitable access to higher education and pathways to sustainable careers. This session will show how Laurel Ridge Community College (LRCC) secured its role in the regional economy by aligning programs with community priorities and mapping students’ career pathways to inform facilities planning.
Abstract: Community colleges provide equitable access to higher education and pathways to sustainable careers. This session will show how Laurel Ridge Community College (LRCC) secured its role in the regional economy by aligning programs with community priorities and mapping students’ career pathways to inform facilities planning. Collaboration with industry and the community enabled LRCC to plan for expansion, relevant programs, and advanced facilities for science, technology, engineering, math, and health sciences (STEM-H). Join us to find out how an engaging, user-focused academic building can leverage both flexibility and specialization to support student success and attract partners.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

A New Campus Model for Greater Community Impact and Connection

Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) has transformed its college model to address crucial issues such as demographic changes, meeting the needs of non-traditional students, and empowering underserved populations.
Abstract: Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) has transformed its college model to address crucial issues such as demographic changes, meeting the needs of non-traditional students, and empowering underserved populations. To support and provide better access to a wider range of constituents, PGCC is reimagining their campus to elevate the community college experience while exploring the creation of two new full-service campuses. Come learn how the new PGCC campus model is meeting short and long-term needs that will serve broader populations, support evolving academic programs and workforce needs, and reduce educational inequities in the college system.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

February 23, 2024

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Book Review: “Whatever It Is, I’m Against It”

Resistance to Change in Higher Education

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January–March 2024

Abstract: Brian Rosenberg, the author of “Whatever It Is, I’m Against It”: Resistance to Change in Higher Education, argues that improvements in higher education are needed—which is certainly not a controversial or surprising outlook. However, he also says many institutions are on an unsustainable financial path, which makes the imperatives for change more urgent. What exactly needs to be addressed and how dramatically, though, is a matter of one’s perspective. The reviewer observes that in most cases, sustainable changes have been ongoing but incremental, not transformational. Some stakeholders might celebrate that fact. In other corners, this is not enough, and so frustrations abound.

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Example Plans

August 8, 2023

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Example Plans

June 30, 2023

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