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Planning for Higher Education Journal

June 20, 2024

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Why Strategic Plans Aren’t Working in Uncertain Times

Because Strategic Planning Should Be a Dynamic, Robust Process

The author’s approach to his research-based Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times Fieldbook began with a sampling review of 50 strategic plans. What emerged was the development of an organizational learning cycle used as a template to assess the effectiveness of strategic plans on more than 250 college and university websites.

From Volume 52 Number 3 | April–June 2024

Abstract: A strategic plan is supposed to “bring the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” Almost every college or university has such a plan because accreditors and governing boards require one. The question is: Why do so many higher education institutions seem to be unprepared when they take drastic actions (e.g., eliminating programs, cutting faculty and staff members, etc.) in uncertain times? The author studied more than 250 colleges and universities and suggests the answer in this article.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

May 13, 2024

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‘Agile’ Design for the Future-Ready Campus

Optimize the HyFlex Learning Experience to Enhance Engagement

‘Agile’ project management is an iterative methodology emphasizing collaboration, user feedback, and small, rapid initiatives to adapt quickly and efficiently to change.

From Volume 52 Number 3 | April–June 2024

Abstract: The Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) classroom allows students to choose between in-person and online participation, leveraging technology and ensuring digital equity. This article underscores the HyFlex model’s role in enhancing educational accessibility, engagement, and resilience; expanding institutional reach; and adapting to demographic shifts and technological advancements. By embracing “Agile” project management principles and a continuous improvement mindset, institutions can create effective, inclusive learning environments that cater to a wide range of student needs, improving learning outcomes and institutional competitiveness in a rapidly evolving educational landscape.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

April 9, 2024

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What Constitutes Tribal College and University Sustainability?

Research Develops a Framework to Begin the Conversation

Historical successes and challenges join missions, visions, and strategic plans for a glimpse of what TCU institutions are emphasizing, today and in the future.

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January – March 2024

Abstract: This article uses available Tribal College and University (TCU) missions, visions, and strategic plans as well as dissertations focused on TCU research to develop a framework to begin the conversation about what constitutes sustainability for the institutions. The dissertations offer an opportunity to look at historical successes and challenges, while TCU missions, visions, and strategic plans provide a glimpse of what the institutions are emphasizing currently and in the future. Both present elements to consider as part of a larger TCU sustainability framework.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

February 12, 2024

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Institutional Process Mapping

A College Eliminates Service Gaps and Improves Efficiency and Collaboration

Minnesota State Community and Technical College coordinated and integrated processes for student onboarding to support institutional performance.

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January–March 2024

Abstract: Students experience institutional processes differently than employees within an institution. Process mapping and evaluation, or Value Stream Mapping, is a purposeful way to coordinate and integrate processes to support institutional performance through the identification of inefficiencies, increased interdepartmental collaboration, and ultimately the creation of new processes that eliminate service gaps. This article will introduce key elements in process mapping, process evaluation, and the process management lifecycle. Those concepts will be described through one collegiate institution’s practical application of student onboarding evaluations across several departments, including recruiting, admissions, financial aid, and advising.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

December 15, 2023

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Survival of the Financially Fittest

Leverage Strategic Decision-Making and Key Financial Metrics to Achieve Financial Stability

Leaders must look closely at financial trends that may reveal signs of trouble—in the short or immediate term—and have the courage to act to address them.

From Volume 52 Number 1 | October–December 2023

Abstract: This article explores a methodology for assessing and managing the financial viability of private, tuition-dependent institutions as well as institutional tactics and strategies used to improve their financial strength. The resulting model will help institutions understand the trends and predictive value of key financial metrics directly impacting their liquidity and operations and how senior leadership can drive change. Institutional examples illustrate how to engage senior leadership in strategic decision-making that includes assessment of revenue growth and/or expense management.

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Example Plans

November 13, 2023

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Example Plans

August 8, 2023

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Example Plans

May 17, 2023

Bridge Plan

Public Associate’s College (Arizona, United States)

From April 2020, the institution’s president led faculty and staff in a rigorous planning and exploration process to ensure that the college remained accessible and thriving through the pandemic and beyond. This bridge plan document details the action steps resulting from that process.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

March 10, 2023

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Book Review: Implementing Sustainable Change in Higher Education

Principles and Practices of Collaborative Leadership

From Volume 51 Number 2 | January–March 2023

Abstract: Implementing Sustainable Change in Higher Education: Principles and Practices of Collaborative Leadership
by Brent D. Ruben
Stylus Publishing: Sterling, Virginia: 2022
229 pages
ISBN: 978-1642674415

How should higher education leaders take on the challenges of change? In Brent Ruben’s Implementing Sustainable Change in Higher Education: Principles and Practices of Collaborative Leadership, the author says there’s no simple approach. Instead, he encourages leaders to “understand and leverage the dynamics of change; lead collaboratively and meaningfully; engage one’s colleagues; and adopt and pursue a shared vision of organizational purpose and aspirations.”

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Example Plans

September 6, 2022

Strategic Plan, Strategic Planning Website

Public Doctoral/Research University (North Carolina, United States)

The university’s detailed strategic plan, which includes goals focused on student success, diversity and equity, and increasing its presence as a research center.

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