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Planning for Higher Education Journal

April 9, 2024

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What Constitutes Tribal College and University Sustainability?

Research Develops a Framework to Begin the Conversation

Historical successes and challenges join missions, visions, and strategic plans for a glimpse of what TCU institutions are emphasizing, today and in the future.

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January – March 2024

Abstract: This article uses available Tribal College and University (TCU) missions, visions, and strategic plans as well as dissertations focused on TCU research to develop a framework to begin the conversation about what constitutes sustainability for the institutions. The dissertations offer an opportunity to look at historical successes and challenges, while TCU missions, visions, and strategic plans provide a glimpse of what the institutions are emphasizing currently and in the future. Both present elements to consider as part of a larger TCU sustainability framework.

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Webinar Recordings

April 3, 2024

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The Strategic Planning Checklist

17 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in Higher Education

Learn from a research-based analysis of over 250 colleges and universities.
Abstract: Learn from a research-based analysis of over 250 colleges and universities. What is the difference between the Strategic Plan and Strategic Planning? How do we ensure planning is not a one-time event, but an ongoing organizational learning cycle that endures the changing environment? The analytic framework featured in this webinar is a Strategic Planning/Organizational Planning Cycle that derives a series of “what not to do” dictums (guidelines?) that support higher education institutions. Don’t make these critical mistakes derail you during these uncertain times

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Blog Post

April 1, 2024

Navigating Student Success

‘Navigators’ Are Critical in Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Institution-Wide Initiative

To gain additional insight into how integrated planning to support student success can be a game changer, we turned to Paula Stossel, strategic advisor to the president for student success, and Amber Racchini, vice provost for student academic success, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They graciously accepted our invitation to address questions about their cross-functional effort to ensure a student-centered approach to delivery of support services at IUP.

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Trends for Higher Education

March 20, 2024

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Trends Inside Higher Education | Spring 2024

What are key movements and trends within higher education? From addressing pandemic learning loss to grappling with generative AI in the classroom, learn the forces and changes directly impacting higher education, now and in the future.
Abstract: Integrated planning prepares your institution for change by ensuring its decisions are informed by realities in the external environment.

What are key movements and trends within higher education? From addressing pandemic learning loss to grappling with generative AI in the classroom, learn the forces and changes directly impacting higher education, now and in the future.

This issue curates and summarizes 40-50 trends happening outside the world of higher education that could impact colleges and universities. Each trend includes a brief summary, a footnoted source, and discussion questions to help you analyze and act on the trend.

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Conference Presentations

March 19, 2024

Creating a Student Success District Through Transformative Renovations

First generation and marginalized students often have difficulty accessing campus services. Holistically supporting students through integrated services so that they feel valued, respected, and included is critical to graduation and retention rates.
Abstract: First generation and marginalized students often have difficulty accessing campus services. Holistically supporting students through integrated services so that they feel valued, respected, and included is critical to graduation and retention rates. The University of Arizona (UA) radically transformed access to student services, bringing together previously disparate services into the co-located Student Success District that renews existing campus assets into accessible, flexible, human-centric spaces. This session will share a model for bridging strategic and facilities planning with universal principles and qualitative and quantitative metrics for leveraging existing programs and building resources to improve student outcomes.

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Conference Presentations

March 18, 2024

LCC’s Health Professions Building: Centering Vitality Through Community Benefit

Lane Community College’s (LCC) unique commitment to uphold principles articulated in their Community Benefits Agreement allowed for an innovative planning and design process that centered on the core needs of its most marginalized community members.
Abstract: Lane Community College’s (LCC) unique commitment to uphold principles articulated in their Community Benefits Agreement allowed for an innovative planning and design process that centered on the core needs of its most marginalized community members. We’ll detail how LCC’s active dedication to providing community benefit via bond dollars transformed its Health Professions Building into a vital campus centerpiece, enhancing safety, accessibility, and workforce and career training. This session will raise awareness around creating a community-centered process to discover design solutions that not only solve campus programmatic and functional issues but achieve design excellence.

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March 15, 2024

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2023 Campus Facilities Inventory (CFI) Report

The 2023 Campus Facilities Inventory (CFI) report’s valuable facilities benchmarking data will help college and university leaders understand not only what they have now and how it compares, but also how things might change in the future.
Abstract: As leaders of colleges and universities continue to analyze changes today and plan their campuses for the future, the knowledge and insight from the SCUP community is critical. The 2023 Campus Facilities Inventory (CFI) report’s valuable facilities benchmarking data will help college and university leaders understand not only what they have now and how it compares, but also how things might change in the future.

The CFI report consists of two sections that provide a holistic picture of today while enabling institutions to crowdsource a vision for the future: current space use data and recent and planned changes to campus facilities.

Data are reported only in aggregate, protecting the privacy of each institution. Reporting focuses on findings and comparison tables by institution type (e.g., four-year public, four-year private, and two-year public), location (e.g., urban, suburban, rural), and size (i.e., in-person student headcount).

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

Immersive Educational Facilities Design: Manufacturing Innovation and Connection

As trade schools gain national recognition for their affordability and career-centric focus, Raleigh’s Wake Technical Community College (WTCC) has set a new standard for strategic facilities design by capitalizing on community, industry, and government partnerships.
Abstract: As trade schools gain national recognition for their affordability and career-centric focus, Raleigh’s Wake Technical Community College (WTCC) has set a new standard for strategic facilities design by capitalizing on community, industry, and government partnerships. This session will show how WTCC is producing the next generation of innovative automotive repair technicians and leaders through an immersive program that aligns industry partnerships, high-tech education, employment opportunities, and local economic development goals. Discover how WTCC’s new automotive laboratory consolidates diverse programs into one building with agile, collaborative spaces, preparing students for emerging technologies in rapidly changing industries.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

A New Campus Model for Greater Community Impact and Connection

Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) has transformed its college model to address crucial issues such as demographic changes, meeting the needs of non-traditional students, and empowering underserved populations.
Abstract: Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) has transformed its college model to address crucial issues such as demographic changes, meeting the needs of non-traditional students, and empowering underserved populations. To support and provide better access to a wider range of constituents, PGCC is reimagining their campus to elevate the community college experience while exploring the creation of two new full-service campuses. Come learn how the new PGCC campus model is meeting short and long-term needs that will serve broader populations, support evolving academic programs and workforce needs, and reduce educational inequities in the college system.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

February 12, 2024

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Institutional Process Mapping

A College Eliminates Service Gaps and Improves Efficiency and Collaboration

Minnesota State Community and Technical College coordinated and integrated processes for student onboarding to support institutional performance.

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January–March 2024

Abstract: Students experience institutional processes differently than employees within an institution. Process mapping and evaluation, or Value Stream Mapping, is a purposeful way to coordinate and integrate processes to support institutional performance through the identification of inefficiencies, increased interdepartmental collaboration, and ultimately the creation of new processes that eliminate service gaps. This article will introduce key elements in process mapping, process evaluation, and the process management lifecycle. Those concepts will be described through one collegiate institution’s practical application of student onboarding evaluations across several departments, including recruiting, admissions, financial aid, and advising.

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