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Blog Post

April 1, 2024

Navigating Student Success

‘Navigators’ Are Critical in Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Institution-Wide Initiative

To gain additional insight into how integrated planning to support student success can be a game changer, we turned to Paula Stossel, strategic advisor to the president for student success, and Amber Racchini, vice provost for student academic success, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They graciously accepted our invitation to address questions about their cross-functional effort to ensure a student-centered approach to delivery of support services at IUP.

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Conference Presentations

March 19, 2024

Designing Beyond the Binary to Foster Belonging

Today’s students are coming to school with diverse gender identities.
Abstract: Today’s students are coming to school with diverse gender identities. Designing facilities with gender equity in mind helps to support marginalized communities and future proof the campus. This session will present case studies and inclusive best practices for ‘designing beyond the binary’ to foster belonging in campus housing, restrooms, and gathering spaces. You’ll discover strategies to foster belonging and wellbeing for a spectrum of gender identities through programming and operations as well as learn about design tools and tips to create belonging in spatial environments.

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Conference Presentations

March 19, 2024

Creating a Student Success District Through Transformative Renovations

First generation and marginalized students often have difficulty accessing campus services. Holistically supporting students through integrated services so that they feel valued, respected, and included is critical to graduation and retention rates.
Abstract: First generation and marginalized students often have difficulty accessing campus services. Holistically supporting students through integrated services so that they feel valued, respected, and included is critical to graduation and retention rates. The University of Arizona (UA) radically transformed access to student services, bringing together previously disparate services into the co-located Student Success District that renews existing campus assets into accessible, flexible, human-centric spaces. This session will share a model for bridging strategic and facilities planning with universal principles and qualitative and quantitative metrics for leveraging existing programs and building resources to improve student outcomes.

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Conference Presentations

March 18, 2024

Integrating Indigenous Experience into Vital Placemaking on Campus

Planning for inclusive spaces where students can see themselves and achieve success requires critical approaches, diverse perspectives, and representative processes.
Abstract: Planning for inclusive spaces where students can see themselves and achieve success requires critical approaches, diverse perspectives, and representative processes. This session will explore ways of incorporating indigenous experiences and perspectives into the process of placemaking, using The Evergreen State College’s (TESC) renovation of the Seminar 1 building?Äîhome of the Native Pathways Program?Äîas a case study. Join us to find out how you can improve your planning and design processes to create inclusive, vital places of life, learning, and wellbeing on your campus.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

Evaluating the Influence of Design on Social Impact Education

In order for institutions to support students’ desire for engagement and impact within their local, regional, and national communities, they must plan and design spaces that foster instruction, discourse, and invention. 2024
Abstract: In order for institutions to support students’ desire for engagement and impact within their local, regional, and national communities, they must plan and design spaces that foster instruction, discourse, and invention. This session will evaluate Thurgood Marshall Hall on its promise as an integrated scholar-practitioner community within the University of Maryland’s (UMD) Do Good Campus for social impact education. After a year of occupation, we’ll share how we conducted a qualitative assessment of the building with a wide cross-section of stakeholders and how the resulting lessons will impact the campus’s ‘Do Good’ mission and inform future planning and design.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

Finding Your Swan: Reimagining Unloved Buildings at JMU

There are distinct advantages to both renovation and new construction; an optimal blend of these approaches can enable opportunities for physical growth, evolving programs, and a minimally disruptive reimagining of campus buildings.
Abstract: There are distinct advantages to both renovation and new construction; an optimal blend of these approaches can enable opportunities for physical growth, evolving programs, and a minimally disruptive reimagining of campus buildings. We’ll explore two case studies from James Madison University (JMU) ?the College of Business and the Carrier Library?that illustrate how to affordably transform outdated and stylistically unloved buildings into vibrant academic and student life hubs. Join us to gain a greater understanding of the hidden value of aging buildings, considering aspects such as functionality, cost, operations, sustainability, and stylistic potential.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

Immersive Educational Facilities Design: Manufacturing Innovation and Connection

As trade schools gain national recognition for their affordability and career-centric focus, Raleigh’s Wake Technical Community College (WTCC) has set a new standard for strategic facilities design by capitalizing on community, industry, and government partnerships.
Abstract: As trade schools gain national recognition for their affordability and career-centric focus, Raleigh’s Wake Technical Community College (WTCC) has set a new standard for strategic facilities design by capitalizing on community, industry, and government partnerships. This session will show how WTCC is producing the next generation of innovative automotive repair technicians and leaders through an immersive program that aligns industry partnerships, high-tech education, employment opportunities, and local economic development goals. Discover how WTCC’s new automotive laboratory consolidates diverse programs into one building with agile, collaborative spaces, preparing students for emerging technologies in rapidly changing industries.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

February 23, 2024

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Book Review: “Whatever It Is, I’m Against It”

Resistance to Change in Higher Education

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January–March 2024

Abstract: Brian Rosenberg, the author of “Whatever It Is, I’m Against It”: Resistance to Change in Higher Education, argues that improvements in higher education are needed—which is certainly not a controversial or surprising outlook. However, he also says many institutions are on an unsustainable financial path, which makes the imperatives for change more urgent. What exactly needs to be addressed and how dramatically, though, is a matter of one’s perspective. The reviewer observes that in most cases, sustainable changes have been ongoing but incremental, not transformational. Some stakeholders might celebrate that fact. In other corners, this is not enough, and so frustrations abound.

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Webinar Recordings

January 17, 2024

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Eliminating Equity Gaps Through Data and Institutional Change Webinar

Abstract: For the past decade, Georgia State University (GSU) has been at the leading edge of demographic shifts in the Southeast region. Using data to inform systematic institutional change, GSU has doubled its enrollment of underrepresented populations, raised graduation rates by 70 percent, and closed all achievement gaps based on race, ethnicity, and income level. Through a discussion of innovations—from AI-enhanced chatbots and predictive analytics to meta-majors and micro-grants— this keynote will share lessons learned from GSU's transformation and outline concrete and scalable steps that you can take on your campus to improve outcomes for underserved students while increasing revenues.

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Example Plans

January 5, 2024

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