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Webinar Recordings

April 17, 2024

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Public Higher Education in Today’s Climate Crisis

With the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events continuing to increase across the country, the need for resilience planning is more critical than ever before.
Abstract: With the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events continuing to increase across the country, the need for resilience planning is more critical than ever before.

Numerous campuses across the California State University (CSU) system have direct experience with wildfires, extended drought, floods, extreme heat, public safety power shutoffs, hurricanes, and sea level rise. The CSU is currently working toward increasing resilience in response to catastrophic events through systemwide technical guidance resources on building and infrastructure design and retrofit. These extreme conditions further prompted the need for vulnerability assessments systemwide and coordinated climate resilience planning and investment activities.

Using the activities of CSU climate action and adaptation planning, Wallace’s SCUP Fellows project sought to achieve three (3) primary objectives:

Review planning documents and policies that consider climate resiliency governance versus climate resiliency implementation.
Identify key stakeholders to develop a primer for addressing and incorporating campus-community implementation priorities.
Raise awareness with the broader higher education planning community to collect feedback and share model practices.
Join 2022-2023 SCUP Fellow Tamara Wallace as she shares her findings to help you and your team proactively plan for climate change to mitigate risks, prevent damage, and ensure continued learning from lived experiences.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

April 8, 2024

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Diving Into Data

Space Utilization Analysis Can Address Course Scheduling Challenges, Classroom Consolidation Issues, and Deferred Maintenance Priorities

Using data analytics and reviewing facility conditions helped Newberry College enhance space utilization and create a dynamic, adaptable campus.

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January–March 2024

Abstract: A proactive approach to master planning, rooted in empirical evidence and stakeholder input, can be emulated on campuses nationwide. The article’s authors show how a space analysis, if implemented correctly, can provide an institution’s decision-makers with the valuable data needed to create a dynamic and adaptable campus environment.

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Conference Presentations

March 22, 2024

Support Your Mission Through Data-informed Capital Investment

By right-sizing course offerings, classrooms, and buildings, planners can drive incremental improvements that help to advance campus culture.
Abstract: By right-sizing course offerings, classrooms, and buildings, planners can drive incremental improvements that help to advance campus culture. We’ll demonstrate how to leverage data on course enrollment, classroom utilization, and learning trends to inform strategic investments in capital improvement, curriculum development, and recruitment. This session will uncover ways of making progress on campus by addressing issues related to enrollment changes and student activity while navigating lean capital funding conditions.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

March 20, 2024

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Financial Planning for Central Utility Plant Decarbonization

Divide and Conquer the Lift Across Different Funding Options

Vital stakeholder feedback and consensus from various university departments reveal the proper approach to building issues. Institutions such as the University of North Dakota used technical planning to produce well-informed financial modeling and right-sized financial plans.

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January–March 2024

Abstract: Implementing central utility plant (CUP) decarbonization projects requires strategic financial planning, collaboration, and consensus-building from the entire university community. This article describes gathering support from facilities management, executive staff, and lawmakers through technical and financial charrettes. Learn how technical planning produces well-informed financial modeling and right-sized financial plans, and how shared planning between design teams and facility planners creates tailored funding options, including IRA incentives, to fund decarbonization.

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Conference Presentations

March 19, 2024

An Intersectional Approach to Campus Planning at Cal Poly Humboldt

In 2020, California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly), Humboldt’s transformation to the system’s third polytechnic required a new intersectional approach to campus physical planning that addresses a spectrum of needs for ambitious growth, future ready resilience, and student persistence. Rapid disruptions affected academic access, achievement, and workforce readiness of Generation Z. The polytechnic implementation inspired a planning process that prioritizes people first to address social, environmental, health, and economic challenges. This session will share lessons learned from the Cal Poly Humboldt physical planning process and provide tactical tools for effective stakeholder engagement, data collection, and establishing metrics of gauging success.
Abstract: In 2020, California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly), Humboldt’s transformation to the system’s third polytechnic required a new intersectional approach to campus physical planning that addresses a spectrum of needs for ambitious growth, future ready resilience, and student persistence. Rapid disruptions affected academic access, achievement, and workforce readiness of Generation Z. The polytechnic implementation inspired a planning process that prioritizes people first to address social, environmental, health, and economic challenges. This session will share lessons learned from the Cal Poly Humboldt physical planning process and provide tactical tools for effective stakeholder engagement, data collection, and establishing metrics of gauging success.

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Conference Presentations

March 18, 2024

Exploring History of Place Through Inclusive Planning and Programming

The growth of the University of Calgary’s Veterinary Medicine program has been a catalyst for several initiatives on campus, including the development of a long range plan, creation of an inclusive program, and development of micro degrees.
Abstract: The growth of the University of Calgary’s Veterinary Medicine program has been a catalyst for several initiatives on campus, including the development of a long range plan, creation of an inclusive program, and development of micro degrees. The process of engagement, programming, and design at Vet Med was critical for understanding the urgent needs of the profession and students while being mindful and respectful of the history of place and the indigenous community. This session show how connecting the history of place at a campus master planning and programming level fosters opportunities, success, health, and wellbeing for each student.

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Conference Presentations

March 18, 2024

Partnerships Forged in Planning Accelerate the Realization of Campus Vision

Effective partnering, internally and externally, and addressing enrollment growth, vitality, and safety during the planning process can make all the difference in plan implementation.
Abstract: Effective partnering, internally and externally, and addressing enrollment growth, vitality, and safety during the planning process can make all the difference in plan implementation. The 2017 University of Washington (UW) Bothell and Cascadia College campus master plan demonstrates how clear design principles and a flexible development framework drove rapid progress in realizing a campus vision in under six years. This session will help you identify how strong partnerships forged during a planning process can positively impact capital development, inform innovative capital funding strategies, and rapidly catapult your campus vision into reality.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

March 5, 2024

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The Stories in These Walls

Integrated Planning Throughout Capital Projects Can Fuel Donor Engagement and Enhance Stewardship

Cross-functional teams at the University of Wyoming, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and University of North Dakota effectively used storytelling techniques to position donors within the narrative of the universities’ missions and strategic plans.

From Volume 52 Number 2 | January–March 2024

Abstract: Engaging donors at the planning stage of a capital project is a critical step in the campaign’s success. This article describes the use of storytelling techniques in donor outreach at three universities. We outline how cross-functional teams, involving campus planners and architects, university development and marketing and communications staff, and consultant firms, collaboratively planned and implemented donor engagement techniques. A story-oriented integrated project team enhanced philanthropy and stewardship by focusing on student and research outcomes, donor anecdotes, and sketches or conceptual renderings while positioning the donors themselves within the narrative of the university’s mission and strategic plan.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

Planning and Implementing the Sustainable Campus of the Future

Integrated planning and design that optimizes development capacity and leverages campus growth can help institutions achieve ambitious resilience goals for net-zero energy and resource conservation for a healthier, more sustainable environment. This session will discuss Princeton University’s ongoing efforts to support an ambitious capital plan, address deferred maintenance, advance climate solutions, and maximize use of campus lands. The path to a sustainable campus future will require institutions to go beyond business-as-usual planning to rethink campus infrastructure—particularly energy, stormwater, and landscapes—and activate high-performance sites and buildings.
Abstract: Integrated planning and design that optimizes development capacity and leverages campus growth can help institutions achieve ambitious resilience goals for net-zero energy and resource conservation for a healthier, more sustainable environment. This session will discuss Princeton University’s ongoing efforts to support an ambitious capital plan, address deferred maintenance, advance climate solutions, and maximize use of campus lands. The path to a sustainable campus future will require institutions to go beyond business-as-usual planning to rethink campus infrastructure—particularly energy, stormwater, and landscapes—and activate high-performance sites and buildings.

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Conference Presentations

March 5, 2024

Evaluating the Influence of Design on Social Impact Education

In order for institutions to support students’ desire for engagement and impact within their local, regional, and national communities, they must plan and design spaces that foster instruction, discourse, and invention. 2024
Abstract: In order for institutions to support students’ desire for engagement and impact within their local, regional, and national communities, they must plan and design spaces that foster instruction, discourse, and invention. This session will evaluate Thurgood Marshall Hall on its promise as an integrated scholar-practitioner community within the University of Maryland’s (UMD) Do Good Campus for social impact education. After a year of occupation, we’ll share how we conducted a qualitative assessment of the building with a wide cross-section of stakeholders and how the resulting lessons will impact the campus’s ‘Do Good’ mission and inform future planning and design.

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