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Webinar Recordings

February 28, 2022

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Transformation Best Practices in the Decade Ahead

Inexorable challenges demand that higher education transform . . . and that transformation needs to start now. Learn more about these challenges and the knowledge, skills, and capabilities an institution needs to transform in the coming decade from the authors of the new book Transforming for Turbulent Times: An Action Agenda for Higher Education Leaders.

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January 25, 2022

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Transforming for Turbulent Times

An Action Agenda for Higher Education Leaders

Transforming for Turbulent Times: An Action Agenda for Higher Education Leaders can prepare your institution for the new learning ecosystem that will revolutionize work and learning by 2030. This book outlines a proven, eight-step process for planning, leading, navigating, and orchestrating the transformation necessary to thrive in the new world of knowledge, work, and learning. Whatever your role in your college, university, or learning enterprise, you’ll learn the principles, techniques, and actions that will make you indispensable to its transformation in these turbulent times.
Abstract: Higher education is entering a period of unparalleled turbulence. By 2030, a global knowledge, work, and learning ecosystem will revolutionize work and learning. It will empower individuals to fuse learning, living, and work over 60-year time spans. Tens of millions of additional learners—or even more—will be added to the global learning force. To compete in this rapidly expanding arena, traditional institutions will need to transform, starting now.

Transforming for Turbulent Times: An Action Agenda for Higher Education Leaders will help you support your institution in its efforts to rise to these challenges.

This book outlines a proven, eight-step process for planning, leading, navigating, and orchestrating the transformations necessary to thrive in this new ecosystem. Whatever your role in your college, university, or learning enterprise, you’ll learn the principles, techniques, and actions that will make you indispensable to its transformation in these turbulent times.

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Conference Recordings

October 4, 2021

Learning From A Living Building

Facing (Un)foreseen Challenges

The Kendeda Building, a deep green LEED Platinum Living Building, offers many lessons learned and best practices regarding net-positive water, energy, and waste that you can use to fight climate change and COVID-19 on your campus.
Abstract: At a time when institutions must change the status quo in their approach to addressing the climate crisis through the campus built environment, the Kendeda Building at the Georgia Institute of Technology shows us that successful change is possible. The Kendeda Building, a deep green LEED Platinum Living Building, offers many lessons learned and best practices regarding net-positive water, energy, and waste that you can use to fight climate change and COVID-19 on your campus. Come learn how to overcome design and operational challenges—both expected and unexpected—of high-performance buildings to create a healthier and safer campus environment.

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Conference Recordings

July 16, 2021

Achieving a Sustainable Campus Master Plan through Integrative Design

This session will explore Princeton University’s campus master plan, which engages an ethos of sustainability through the lens of carbon emissions, landscape design, energy, and water efficiency, from design through construction.
Abstract: The building sector contributes forty percent of carbon emissions globally. Given the climate crisis, it is imperative that campus facilities and planning departments address sustainability in a rigorous and fiscally responsible way. This session will explore Princeton University’s campus master plan, which engages an ethos of sustainability through the lens of carbon emissions, landscape design, energy, and water efficiency, from design through construction. Find out how you can apply Princeton's ambitious sustainability goals and lessons learned to your master plan and sustainably develop your projects for the benefit of your campus environment and community.

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Conference Recordings

March 19, 2021

2021 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2021

Experience vs Convenience

Yale and UConn are Embracing Transactional Dining

Two universities share how their hospitality teams rethought their dining operations over the past year—UConn, as one of the country's largest self-operated food service programs, focused on maintaining diverse options; Yale, as a transformational organization, committed to table gatherings and healthy, locally-sourced food.
Abstract: Over the past year, the hospitality teams at Yale University and the University of Connecticut (UConn) have had to rethink their dining operations, shifting to a transactional approach to continue supporting student wellbeing. The two universities faced very different challenges: UConn, as one of the country's largest self-operated food service programs, focused on maintaining diverse options; Yale, as a transformational organization, committed to table gatherings and healthy, locally-sourced food. This session will explore how these programs have adapted to the current crisis and what their experiences teach us about the future of campus food service.

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Conference Recordings

March 18, 2021

2021 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2021

The Future Campus

A Dialogue with Three Institutions and Learning Technologist

A panel of three institutions and a learning technologist will offer their diverse perspectives on these issues and how they're influencing the physical and virtual campus environment: an unprecedented pandemic; rapidly-accelerating climate change; a mobile technology-enabled society; and critical issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion
Abstract: Higher education will shape its future through its response to this critical moment: an unprecedented pandemic; rapidly-accelerating climate change; a mobile technology-enabled society; and critical issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. As new values, core issues, and questions continue to emerge, institutions must face these challenges by weighing different impacts and shifting priorities. A panel of three institutions and a learning technologist will offer their diverse perspectives on these issues and how they're influencing the physical and virtual campus environment. Come join the dialogue and adopt an inquiry-based mindset to proactively plan for a more agile and resilient future campus.

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Conference Recordings

March 18, 2021

2021 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2021

Better Value and Outcomes through Integrative Design

In this session, we'll share our results and challenges with the Integrative Design Process (IDP) at Princeton, and show how you can use an IDP to realize better value and outcomes for your campus project.
Abstract: The Integrative Design Process (IDP) is a powerful collaborative framework that aligns with an institution's culture to cost-effectively achieve any project's desired outcomes. After adopting IDP incrementally since 2003, Princeton University has created a full program, including a roadmap and in-depth training. A well-designed IDP supports participation and buy-in from users and effective collaboration in project teams-that means fewer changes during the construction documents phase and construction, smoother turnover, and better performance. In this session, we'll share our results and challenges and show how you can use an IDP to realize better value and outcomes for your campus project.

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November 23, 2020

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The Connected Campus

Building Long-Term Value and Agility by Connecting Offerings, Organizations and Operations

Campus environments play a vital role in student success. By making changes to their combination of spaces, institutions can respond to the shifts transforming higher education. Elliot Felix shares how colleges and universities can prepare for a more blended world by bringing together the digital and physical, enabling greater diversity and inclusion, and implementing flexible structures, staffing, space, and services. Sponsored Content: Knoll and brightspot strategy.
Abstract: Historic separations that defined higher education are dissolving: research is more interdisciplinary, online and on-campus learning are converging, wet and dry labs are blending, teaching and research overlap, and academia forges relationships with corporate partners. Institutions, by improving how they connect what they offer, how they are organized, and how they operate, can build value and agility to better assist their people on campus. Real-world examples in this white paper from Knoll and brightspot strategy discuss how campus spaces support student success, including how to fully use the campus; creating spaces that sustain diverse and flexible ways of working; thinking phygitally; and creating environments where today’s purpose-driven and entrepreneurial students (Gen Z) will thrive as they prepare to enter the workforce.

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Conference Recordings

March 16, 2020

2020 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2020

Delivering on Vision

Princeton’s New Lake Campus

South of its historic campus, Princeton is expanding into land that has been preserved for the past century to build its Lake Campus, a new center for research, discovery, recreation, and student life.
Abstract: Long-term thinking and project implementation are the foundations of campus planning. Princeton is balancing future focus (planning for 200 years) with the pressing need to implement initial phases quickly and efficiently. South of its historic campus, Princeton is expanding into land that has been preserved for the past century to build its Lake Campus, a new center for research, discovery, recreation, and student life. Come learn how new methods of planning, design, and implementation can deliver holistic campuses by combining vertical projects with site development in a single, integrated process.

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Conference Presentations

March 8, 2020

2020 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2020

Leading with Culture and Community to Transform a University Building

We will share the planning behind the transformation of Yale Law School's Baker Hall and demonstrate how deeply engaging the new occupant's culture can powerfully guide building transformation.
Abstract: How can a university building, intended for short-term use, be re-purposed to support over-all university planning, embody the culture of a new user, and enhance that user group's pedagogy? Reusing campus structures can be highly effective, but limitations and pre-conceptions can be challenging. We will share the planning behind the transformation of Yale Law School's Baker Hall and demonstrate how deeply engaging the new occupant's culture can powerfully guide building transformation.

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