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Conference Recordings

July 16, 2021

Achieving a Sustainable Campus Master Plan through Integrative Design

This session will explore Princeton University’s campus master plan, which engages an ethos of sustainability through the lens of carbon emissions, landscape design, energy, and water efficiency, from design through construction.
Abstract: The building sector contributes forty percent of carbon emissions globally. Given the climate crisis, it is imperative that campus facilities and planning departments address sustainability in a rigorous and fiscally responsible way. This session will explore Princeton University’s campus master plan, which engages an ethos of sustainability through the lens of carbon emissions, landscape design, energy, and water efficiency, from design through construction. Find out how you can apply Princeton's ambitious sustainability goals and lessons learned to your master plan and sustainably develop your projects for the benefit of your campus environment and community.

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$35  | Login

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Conference Presentations

March 8, 2019

2019 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2019

Green Gauges

A Design Methodology at Williams College

Come learn how to use the green gauges methodology at your institution and discover the cost per metric ton of avoided carbon over the operation life of a particular strategy.
Abstract: In this session we will discuss the green gauges methodology, which was developed to organize complex design information within a simple structure and help institutions invest in design strategies that serve environmental and financial goals. Design and construction teams will use this methodology to communicate strategies with stakeholders early in the process and provide consistent information regarding operational energy and the resulting carbon savings. Come learn how to use the green gauges methodology at your institution and discover the cost per metric ton of avoided carbon over the operation life of a particular strategy.

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