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Conference Recordings

March 18, 2021

2021 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2021

The Future Campus

A Dialogue with Three Institutions and Learning Technologist

A panel of three institutions and a learning technologist will offer their diverse perspectives on these issues and how they're influencing the physical and virtual campus environment: an unprecedented pandemic; rapidly-accelerating climate change; a mobile technology-enabled society; and critical issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion
Abstract: Higher education will shape its future through its response to this critical moment: an unprecedented pandemic; rapidly-accelerating climate change; a mobile technology-enabled society; and critical issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. As new values, core issues, and questions continue to emerge, institutions must face these challenges by weighing different impacts and shifting priorities. A panel of three institutions and a learning technologist will offer their diverse perspectives on these issues and how they're influencing the physical and virtual campus environment. Come join the dialogue and adopt an inquiry-based mindset to proactively plan for a more agile and resilient future campus.

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Conference Recordings

March 18, 2021

2021 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2021

Reinvigorating a Campus Landmark

Transforming Stirling’s Museum

Beginning with the project's conception and taking you through its planning, design, and construction, we will outline our investigation, historic research, and analysis of Harvard University's Stirling-designed postmodern museum to inform its transformation into a vibrant academic building housing a variety of programs.
Abstract: All colleges and universities have existing building stock that they need to repurpose in order to fit contemporary campus paradigms. Beginning with the project's conception and taking you through its planning, design, and construction, we will outline our investigation, historic research, and analysis of Harvard University's Stirling-designed postmodern museum to inform its transformation into a vibrant academic building housing a variety of programs. In this session, we'll establish a strategic and creative framework for adaptive reuse that you can use to reposition historic and architecturally-significant buildings on your campus.

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Conference Recordings

March 18, 2021

2021 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2021

In Search of Hybrid

Somewhere Between Analog and Digital

This session will explore the evolution of Harvard Business School's space and technology planning process through two completed distance learning projects—one envisioned before COVID and one created after.
Abstract: Ensuring that COVID-accelerated changes align with the institutional mission and brand is essential to a successful future on your campus. This session will explore the evolution of Harvard Business School's space and technology planning process through two completed distance learning projects—one envisioned before COVID and one created after. We'll provide insights from our planning and design toolbox, which will help you assess, plan, implement, and solve physical and digital challenges at your institution.

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Conference Recordings

March 12, 2021

2021 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2021

Institutional Resilience

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Change Management

In this session, we'll demonstrate through two University of Pennsylvania projects how institutions can approach sustained enrollment, cross-disciplinary collaboration, navigating the funding environment, and adapting to changing user needs in support of long-term institutional resilience.
Abstract: In this session, we'll demonstrate how institutions can approach sustained enrollment, cross-disciplinary collaboration, navigating the funding environment, and adapting to changing user needs in support of long-term institutional resilience. Over the course of two pioneering projects, the University of Pennsylvania recognized the following as key factors in building resilience: multi-modal learning, disciplinary convergence, entrepreneurship and applied research, project delivery, change management, and value of place. Join us to learn new change management and delivery methodologies that you can use to improve your built campus environment's ability to adapt amidst ever-evolving pedagogy.

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November 23, 2020

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The Connected Campus

Building Long-Term Value and Agility by Connecting Offerings, Organizations and Operations

Campus environments play a vital role in student success. By making changes to their combination of spaces, institutions can respond to the shifts transforming higher education. Elliot Felix shares how colleges and universities can prepare for a more blended world by bringing together the digital and physical, enabling greater diversity and inclusion, and implementing flexible structures, staffing, space, and services. Sponsored Content: Knoll and brightspot strategy.
Abstract: Historic separations that defined higher education are dissolving: research is more interdisciplinary, online and on-campus learning are converging, wet and dry labs are blending, teaching and research overlap, and academia forges relationships with corporate partners. Institutions, by improving how they connect what they offer, how they are organized, and how they operate, can build value and agility to better assist their people on campus. Real-world examples in this white paper from Knoll and brightspot strategy discuss how campus spaces support student success, including how to fully use the campus; creating spaces that sustain diverse and flexible ways of working; thinking phygitally; and creating environments where today’s purpose-driven and entrepreneurial students (Gen Z) will thrive as they prepare to enter the workforce.

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Webinar Recordings

August 20, 2020

Creating a More Adaptive Institution in the Wake of COVID-19

This interactive panel discussion will bring together different institutions’ perspectives from facilities, technology, student services, and finance to understand the impact of COVID-19 on institutions and their student experience. The discussion will be organized in three parts, each with a prompt to inform the discussion, a poll to take the pulse of the audience, and an open discussion among panelists.
Abstract: How can colleges and universities become more adaptive in the wake of COVID-19? This interactive panel discussion will bring together different institutions’ perspectives from facilities, technology, student services, and finance to understand the impact of COVID-19 on institutions and their student experience.

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Webinar Recordings

August 6, 2020

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Developing Successful Campus Collaborations and Trust During COVID

In this webinar, Gretchen Von Grossmann of Tufts University and Sarah Madden and Kelly McQueeney of Harvard University shared how they have brought their campus communities together to tackle COVID challenges and what protocols and perspectives are becoming “game changers” in the process.

This is part of the series “Less Talk, More Action: Tactical Topics to Return to Campus.”

Abstract: In the current COVID environment, each day brings our academic institutions more information and insight regarding what their physical campuses can handle and what their returning students and faculty are comfortable with.

Join us as we learn from representatives at Tufts University and Harvard University how they have brought their campus communities together to tackle COVID challenges and what aspects may become “game changers” in the process. We will learn current perspectives and protocols and how these institutions came to these conclusions. The presenters will share how they have prepared for a range of outcomes, offering some valuable examples of effective leadership in this time of crisis.

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Webinar Recordings

June 23, 2020

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Who Guarantees That Your Campus is Safe for Return?

In this webinar, Harvard’s Joseph Allen and John Macomber discussed their new book, Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity, and in particular, what are best practices today as organizations think about prudent return.

This is part of the series “Less Talk, More Action: Tactical Topics to Return to Campus.”

Abstract: As we reopen campuses, offices, and stores, to whom do we listen for assurance that the physical environments are indeed reasonably safe? There is guidance, but there are no guarantees. However, it is possible to use objective measures—health performance indicators—to gain and publish a level of confidence in the preparation of spaces and the activities of staff, students, and faculty. In this webinar, Harvard’s Joseph Allen and John Macomber discussed their new book, Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity, and in particular, what are best practices today as organizations think about prudent return.

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Conference Recordings

March 16, 2020

2020 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2020

How a Substation Project Enabled a New Academic Research Building at Penn

This session will explore how the University of Pennsylvania is achieving new student learning and research spaces within an infrastructure project.
Abstract: With limited financial resources and space constraints, effective use of valuable campus real estate is imperative. Building projects serve more than academic missions on tight urban campuses and campus infrastructure needs must synthesize with academic needs. This session will explore how the University of Pennsylvania is achieving new student learning and research spaces within an infrastructure project. We will share successful innovative business school student learning spaces, operational technologies, and phasing approaches that you can apply to your campus projects.

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Conference Presentations

March 8, 2020

2020 North Atlantic Regional Conference | March 2020

Classrooms of the Future in Buildings of the Past

As the university re-evaluates undergraduate learning environments, a pilot classroom in historic Harvard Hall is the springboard for integrated planning and design processes.
Abstract: Challenges with technologies, historical spaces, and resources make it hard to provide the learning spaces new pedagogies require. Harvard University has found a creative solution to these challenges. As the university re-evaluates undergraduate learning environments, a pilot classroom in historic Harvard Hall is the springboard for integrated planning and design processes. We'll discuss our process (including how we used utilization data and stakeholder feedback during decision making), the classroom's design, and how we're using lessons learned to iterate the space.

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