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  • Institution: Thomas Jefferson Universityx
  • Tags: USxUSxSCUP 2021 Annual ConferencexActive Learning EnvironmentsxMetricsx

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Webinar Recordings

December 9, 2021

How Assessment Can Improve Your Campus’s Active Learning Spaces

Come join us for an engaging and interactive session that will provide you with critical, campus-tested planning tools that you can use in your own classroom assessment to improve your campus learning environment.
Abstract: Higher education planners recognize the crucial role that active learning spaces play in improving student outcomes, but identifying the specific characteristics that make these environments most beneficial for student success is still an evolving process. Representatives from two institutions—one private, the other public—will share their experiences and highlight the planning tools they use to assess active learning spaces aimed at powering student gains. Come join us for an engaging and interactive session that will provide you with critical, campus-tested planning tools that you can use in your own classroom assessment to improve your campus learning environment. This webinar was brought to you by the SCUP Mid-Atlantic region.

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Conference Recordings

July 12, 2021

The Next Chapter in the Paradigm Shift for Hands-on Learning

A higher education design expert, an educator, and a panel of students across hands-on disciplines will share their perspectives on how education spaces might evolve as hybrid learning becomes the new normal.
Abstract: Future-proofing education spaces through hybrid learning models is an opportunity to empower students, spark innovation, and strengthen connections between the campus and its community. A higher education design expert, an educator, and a panel of students across hands-on disciplines will share their perspectives on how education spaces might evolve as hybrid learning becomes the new normal. As we accelerate towards a blended future of physical and virtual learning environments, you can begin rethinking how your institution's educational spaces can provide diversity, multimodality, and flexibility.

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Conference Recordings

June 16, 2021

Integrating Place and Pedagogy to Foster Active Learning

What Works

Planners from four universities will explore how active learning environments are evolving on their campuses, leading to more engaging learning experiences and improving student outcomes.
Abstract: Over the past year the pandemic has brought many challenges to higher education as well as opportunities to shape future learning spaces. Planners from four universities will explore how active learning environments are evolving on their campuses, leading to more engaging learning experiences and improving student outcomes. Come join us for a lively discussion about how space optimization, thoughtful furniture selection, and strategic technology implementation all contribute to the design of “the perfect active learning classroom”.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

March 20, 2020

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Challenging “If You Build It, They Will Come”

Success of Active Learning Is About More Than the Space

Active learning spaces can be catalysts for improved teaching and learning. Yet the key to planning for and effectively implementing them on campus is faculty who are willing to change, accept, and evolve their instructional delivery.

From Volume 48 Number 2 | January–March 2020

Abstract: Five years ago, Thomas Jefferson University East Falls Campus (formerly Philadelphia University) planned and implemented an initiative to more mindfully design spaces that optimize active and collaborative teaching and learning. For active learning spaces to be true change agents at the institutional level, we suggest colleges and universities ground an active learning space initiative in the institution’s mission and strategic goals, designate a coordinator to involve stakeholders throughout the entire project, identify faculty members willing to participate, and build a network of support structures within which those faculty members can share their ideas and experiences.

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December 19, 2019

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Using Alumni Surveys to Assess the Impacts of Active Learning Spaces on Development of Collaboration Skills

This is a SCUP Fellow Research Project Final Report for the 2018–2019 program. The goal of this research was to evaluate the gains, if any, in the collaboration skill development of students who experienced part of their undergraduate or graduate learning within active learning spaces at Thomas Jefferson University, and to attempt to pinpoint the factors contributing to that.
Abstract: There is a growing interest in examining the relationship between active learning spaces and development of soft skills. The overall goal of this research was to evaluate the gains, if any, in the collaboration skill development of students who experienced part of their undergraduate or graduate learning within active learning spaces at Thomas Jefferson University, and to attempt to pinpoint the factors contributing to that.

To meet the goal, the researcher designed a study to assess perceived impact of use of active learning spaces, targeting alumni. Although many such studies rely on reflections from current students during or shortly after their use of learning spaces, the unique contribution of this research is that it gathered impact perceptions of learning spaces from persons after they experienced collaborative work activities in their career settings beyond academia.

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