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May 28, 2024

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Public Higher Education in Today’s Climate Crisis

University–Community Engagement and Planning Strategies for Climate Resilience

This is a SCUP Fellow Research Project Final Report for the 2022–2023 program. This report uses the activities of California State University climate action and adaptation planning to discuss the impacts of extreme weather on university campuses and establish a primer for peer institutions to use as the basis for exploring adoptable model practices.
Abstract: With the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events continuing to increase across the country, the need for resilience planning is more critical than ever before.

Numerous campuses across the California State University (CSU) system have direct experience with wildfires, extended drought, floods, extreme heat, public safety power shutoffs, hurricanes, and sea level rise. The CSU is currently working toward increasing resilience in response to catastrophic events through systemwide technical guidance resources on building and infrastructure design and retrofit. These extreme conditions further prompted the need for vulnerability assessments systemwide and coordinated climate resilience planning and investment activities.

Using the activities of CSU climate action and adaptation planning, 2022-2023 SCUP Fellow Tamara Wallace’s SCUP Fellows project sought to achieve three (3) primary objectives:
  1. Review planning documents and policies that consider climate resiliency governance versus climate resiliency implementation.

  2. Identify key stakeholders to develop a primer for addressing and incorporating campus-community implementation priorities.

  3. Raise awareness with the broader higher education planning community to collect feedback and share model practices.

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Planning for Higher Education Journal

May 24, 2024

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Planning Takes Tragedy to Triumph

Removing a Campus Wall Raised Community Engagement and Neighborhood Support

After the 2017 earthquake in Mexico City, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey underwent a transformative rebuilding process. Civic engagement was prioritized, resulting in buy-in, support, and representation from the community.

From Volume 52 Number 3 | April–June 2024

Abstract: After the 2017 earthquake in Mexico City, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey’s campus underwent a transformative rebuilding process that emerged as a pedagogical prototype for the university system. This article explores the design strategies that prioritized civic engagement, resulting in buy-in, support, and representation from the community. It also describes the methodology behind blurring the boundaries between the university and its surroundings through lean principles in set-based design, strategies for resilient building, and insights into effective collaboration.

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Webinar Recordings

April 17, 2024

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Public Higher Education in Today’s Climate Crisis

With the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events continuing to increase across the country, the need for resilience planning is more critical than ever before.
Abstract: With the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events continuing to increase across the country, the need for resilience planning is more critical than ever before.

Numerous campuses across the California State University (CSU) system have direct experience with wildfires, extended drought, floods, extreme heat, public safety power shutoffs, hurricanes, and sea level rise. The CSU is currently working toward increasing resilience in response to catastrophic events through systemwide technical guidance resources on building and infrastructure design and retrofit. These extreme conditions further prompted the need for vulnerability assessments systemwide and coordinated climate resilience planning and investment activities.

Using the activities of CSU climate action and adaptation planning, Wallace’s SCUP Fellows project sought to achieve three (3) primary objectives:

Review planning documents and policies that consider climate resiliency governance versus climate resiliency implementation.
Identify key stakeholders to develop a primer for addressing and incorporating campus-community implementation priorities.
Raise awareness with the broader higher education planning community to collect feedback and share model practices.
Join 2022-2023 SCUP Fellow Tamara Wallace as she shares her findings to help you and your team proactively plan for climate change to mitigate risks, prevent damage, and ensure continued learning from lived experiences.

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Webinar Recordings

March 15, 2023

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A Community College Perspective on Their Role in Future-Proofing Education

Richard Fort from Johnson County Community College and James Pfeiffer from BNIM will share lessons learned from post-covid educational offerings and incorporating a diversity of spatial and programmatic options to facilitate workforce development.
Abstract: Workforce development is a driver for planning and design in community colleges using metrics to understand long term projections around enrollment needs in the region, planning for those metrics, and building for the future. With the cost of education skyrocketing, the demographic cliff needs to be addressed for all generations. Community colleges offer important lessons that inform educational offerings across a more diverse background.

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October 26, 2022

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Smart Building, Smart Campus

This is a SCUP Fellow Research Project Final Report for the 2019–2020 program. This report explores the hypothesis that user-centered design would better address STEM student needs and could increase the likelihood of a broader adoption of remote labs.
Abstract: “Will innovative environments like a smart building expand STEM education and reach more underrepresented groups? If technology can support remote work, then why haven’t the previous proofs of concept become fully adopted?” The author pursued these questions through her SCUP Fellows research, exploring the hypothesis that user-centered design would better address STEM student needs and could increase the likelihood of a broader adoption of remote labs. Although the COVID-19 pandemic required a hard pivot in her research plan, she was able to leverage the world's new focus on remote activities and work with students to design a prototype mobile application for a digital, interactive twin of a STEM building on campus.

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Conference Recordings

November 5, 2021

Virtual and Physical

How SNHU is Reimagining the Student Experience

Abstract: How can we reimagine the traditional campus-based learning model to make higher education more affordable, flexible, and accessible? For many higher education institutions, the pandemic has exacerbated the challenges they were already facing: the competition for students in a landscape of changing demographics, a drastically altered world of work, and the seemingly uncontrollable escalation of costs. Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) is redefining the future of higher education by developing new programs and degree pathways, scaling online and virtual learning platforms, reducing tuition to increase accessibility, and investing in their physical campus.

We are thrilled to have you join us for an extraordinary afternoon headlined by the visionary leader of the university, Dr. Paul LeBlanc and key leaders from the SNHU community who are tackling these challenges by radically reinventing places, platforms, and products for teaching and learning.

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Conference Recordings

October 26, 2021

Lessons From the Pandemic

Redefining the Student-centered Learning Environment

This session will invite you to reconsider student-centered teaching strategies at your institution and reimagine the campus spaces and infrastructure that support them.
Abstract: Remote instruction during the pandemic has eroded trust in the higher education cost-value ratio, yet the pivot to online learning has also created innovative delivery methods in education. The pandemic has revealed opportunities to redefine higher education's value proposition and made flipped learning more accessible than ever. We'll discuss innovative thinking around student-centered teaching and share a learning space prototype that bridges remote and experiential learning. This session will invite you to reconsider student-centered teaching strategies at your institution and reimagine the campus spaces and infrastructure that support them.

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Conference Presentations

October 5, 2021

Rethinking Academic Workspaces

Learn from three university panelists how to accurately assess needs, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement post-pandemic solutions for hybrid work environments on your campus.
Abstract: Physical and technological re-investments in space must produce a measurable return. Reimagining campus office and instruction space can better align capital planning with student, faculty, and staff success. As space management policies and planning shift their focus from how to where people work and learn, three university panelists will share how they're rethinking academic space to improve utilization, access, and performance. Come learn how to accurately assess needs, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement post-pandemic solutions for hybrid work environments on your campus.

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Conference Recordings

July 15, 2021

Planning for the Virtual Learning Campus Landscape

This session will share stories and lessons learned from two institutions regarding their campus adaptations in an effort to improve student retention.
Abstract: Understanding the human experience is essential to successfully adapting campuses for virtual learning. This session will share stories and lessons learned from two institutions regarding their campus adaptations in an effort to improve student retention. We'll showcase research findings and applications on how the switch to virtual learning during the pandemic may result in long-term adaptations to campus spaces. Come learn how you can apply the latest research to your plans for short and long-term campus adaptations to accommodate virtual learning outcomes.

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Conference Recordings

July 15, 2021

Face to Face

Essential Instructional Delivery During and After COVID

We'll discuss how the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a public flagship university with a large residential population, changed instructional delivery across academics, educational, and residential spaces.
Abstract: Public universities have a responsibility to deliver high-quality education safely to a large number of students. Planning effective instructional delivery while minimizing transmission of COVID is a timely, complex example of balancing disparate educational needs. We'll discuss how the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a public flagship university with a large residential population, changed instructional delivery through a process of design, implementation, and evaluation across academics, educational, and residential spaces. Join us to gain insight on our post-pandemic approach, encompassing planning, execution, and monitoring based on public health guidance, institutional needs, physical space, and academic requirements.

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